Category Archives: Contests

My New Ebook

I had big plans to have my new ebook launched by January of this year. So far I am six months behind. It’s not that I’m lazy, I assure you – it is because there really is so much information to include that it takes time to filter through it, select and add it all.

I want to explain my journey and how others can use the information to do the same thing. Be well. It wasn’t always easy, but the reasons to understand it are so vitally important that it drives me to get this book out there.

There are health secrets out there not many people know. I’m not saying that suddenly I am the carrier of all wellness realizations – no. I know some things from experiences I have had – and those that also need them should have them.

I’m also very interested in questions people from all walks of like may have when it comes to wellness. I know some of my own questions were never answered until I sought them out for myself (or experienced it on my own).

Our perceptions and perspectives are often very different. I enjoy the social twists and individualistic vibes people have – the social structures and peripheral zones others refuse to tread in. Wellness is no different. We all claim to have the answers, yet those that do are still getting sick. What’s going on…??

So, I got ticked off enough to write a book. Yup – I did. It is phenominal, of course (it’s mine!) – and I can’t wait to really finish this time. There will be all sorts of excitement buzzing around here soon so stay tuned! I have some free stuff planned as well – I can’t wait! I love giving things away!

Stick close – I may need you for support!

Love, Me

The “Homegrown” Contest

I found the greatest little prize for Real Food, People & Health’s next contest! A treasure I plucked from a second hand store (lovingly…not rabidly) and can’t wait to tell you about!

The book is by Chef Michel Nischan titled, “Homegrown: Pure and Simple.”

Now – when I bought this book, it was without the fancy jacket cover so if you win, don’t be all pouty that the photo of tomatoes and stew/soup is absent. I’m warning you now.

So, while this book does contain recipes that include meat (grilled smoked pork loin with home baked beans, anyone?) they also include delicious noshing ideas such as green pea soup with caramelized paneer.

Some other interesting food ideas include:

Skillet browned broccoli and cauliflower with pan-toasted garlic

Shiitake mushrooms and koshihikari rice cakes

Sweet potato breakfast bread

Roasted asparagus with spring garlic scapes and parmesan

Sounds amazing, right? Michel even goes as far as to offer recipes for soup stocks and desserts! You definitely want this book if you are interested in exploring a healthier lifestyle of food and nutrition!

So…what do you have to do to get it? It’s quite easy this time around!

1.> Comment on this post and tell me why you would like to win the book.

2.> Post this link (to the contest or blog) and let others know! Be creative! I love creativity!

Do you Twitter? Toss it up there too! Be sure to let me know when you comment that this step is complete. You’re getting closer! 

3.> You can earn extra entries by luring your  unsuspecting friends to this blog. Plus then you won’t be the only one reading it. 🙂

4.> Congrats! You could be a winner! Your entry will have been recieved. Wait. Bite your nails. Hope. Cross your fingers. Pray. Whatever it is that you choose to do. This book looks so filled with homegrown country goodness!

The contest closes Friday April 15th. Enter once a day!

Oh…and it’s Friday! I’m headed outdoors to soak up some Vitamin D!

Love, Me